Programme Highlights
Moscow: Programme Highlights
Programme Schedule

How to get there
Driving Directions & Parking*
Location of the FIFA Fan Fest: Vorobyovy Gory (Sparrow Hills). Obey traffic and law enforcement as you approach the FIFA Fan Fest. Traffic restrictions can be expected in the following streets:
ul. Kosygin (ул. Косыгина)
ul. Lomonosov, (ул. Ломоносова)
See below for directions to specific VIP parking lots. Follow the operating hours of the VIP parking lots.
1. VIP Parking
Address: Moscow, ulitsa Lebedeva (ул. Лебедева)
VIP Parking is located near entrance G4
Public Transportation (Shuttle, Bus, Metro)*
The nearest public transportation stations to the FIFA Fans Fest are listed below:
Lomonosovskiy prospekt (Ломоносовский проспект)
University (Университет)
Worobjowy Gory (Воробьевы горы)
Lenin-Prospekt (Ленинский проспект)
Akademicheskaya (Академическая)
Multiple transport options are available serving the FIFA Fan Fest.
Locations serviced by regular metro routes:
Solntsevskaya line (Солнцевская линия Московского метрополитена )
Sokolnicheskaya line (Сокольническая линия Московского метрополитена )
Kaluga-Rizhskaya line (Калужско-Рижская линия)
Event Shuttles
Event shuttles are exclusively organised for the period of the FIFA World Cup™ to serve the FIFA Fan Fest.
Locations serviced by bus shuttles:
Depart from the metro station Kievskaya (Киевская ) – FIFA Fan Fest
Drop-off & Pick-up*
Drop-off is located at the corner of Michurinsky prospect (Мичуринский пр-т) and ulitsa Kosygina (ул. Косыгина) or at the corner of Vernadsky prospect (Вернадский пр-т) and ulitsa Kosygina (ул. Косыгина) near house number 28.
A separate parking lot with limited space will be available for guests with limited mobility, located in direct proximity to the FIFA Fan Fest near entrance G4. Entrance G4 is located at ulitsa Lebedeva (ул. Лебедева). Enter the parking lot from Lomonosovskiy prospect (Ломоносовский проспект).
Service Information*
Lost & Found
Lost something at the FIFA Fan Fest? Visit the Lost & Found at the FIFA Fan Fest located at entrance G4.
Be prepared and keep your stuff protected. Lockers are made available free of charge. The lockers are located near the entrances (G1, G2, G3, and G4). At G2 there is additional room to store bulky items as well as to park scooters. The operational hours correspond with the opening hours of the FIFA Fan fest.
Child Registration
Do you want to be on the safe side? Get your child registered and receive a registration bracelet that identifies your child with the ability to enter the contact phone number of one of the parents. The three child registration counters are located at entrances G1, G2, G3 and G4. The service is free of charge. The hours of operation of the Child Registration Centre correspond with the opening hours of the FIFA Fan Fest.
Information Desk
Three information desks are located at the entrances G1, G2, G3 and G4. The staff will provide you with useful information regarding the programme as well as information about infrastructure, transportation and other services provided at the FIFA Fan Fest.
The hours of operation correspond with the opening hours of the FIFA Fan Fest.
*Information is subject to change.
Prohibited items (see below)